We are the Equiano Project, a forum to promote freedom of speech and open dialogue on race, culture and politics.


Listen to thought-provoking and fascinating thinkers discuss controversies and questions about race, identity politics, history, philosophy and culture.

You can find us on YouTube, Spotify, Apple Podcasts and Google podcasts.

Pitch to us! If you'd like to contribute to The Equiano Project Substack and have thoughts and ideas related to identity politics, race, and society that you’d like to share, please get in touch by sending an email to ada@theequianoproject.com.


The Equiano Project promotes freedom of speech and open dialogue on race, culture and politics.


Facilitating conversations and promoting the values of freedom, common humanity, and universalism.
I am a former law professor trying to live in authenticity. Too white for some and too black for others, I strive to be me amongst family who are content to live unexamined lives.
Just here to explore the big questions about race, culture and identity. Senior content officer at The Equiano Project. Writer. Commentator. I try and live label-free and tribeless
Journalist, broadcaster and writer. Founder of The Equiano Project. inayafolarin.com