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"[T]o call something black is to deem it opposite to white, which means if studying is white, then not studying is black." And if black is good, then not studying is good. If white is bad, studying is bad. I've never understood why the profound malevolence of this take isn't instantly apparent to people, especially to those who are its primary victims. The motives of the parasites who profit from a perpetual underclass are also obvious: What political rulers need in their subjects is widespread passivity, hopelessness, and docility. That requires the destruction of reason and ambition. Thinking people can't be ruled and ambitious people don't stagnate. The goal of race-baiters and grievance-mongerers is not to uplift and free those in a given racial group; it's to use them and destroy them. They do it by encouraging people to substitute melanin for reason, and when people give up on reason they have no hope.

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