I’ll show up for whoever needs it, however they need it in their particular situation. I do think people have experienced racism or sexism or classism, but lots of people haven’t and don’t want to be defined by identity politics. Or, they have experienced some kind of discrimination and *still* don’t want to be defined by it. I think the most important thing is to listen with compassion.

And honestly, sometimes just listen and maybe not talk too much, if at all. I wonder how much “showing up” is sometimes just butting into situations or stories that aren’t yours and that you don’t fully understand. I believe in offering support to the vulnerable whenever you can, but I think you have to be careful not to make it about you. I mean, clearly speak up if someone is being outright attacked, but do it from a place of true urgency, not just to get attention in the culture wars or whatever.

<shrug> I think most people just want things to work well and do right by others. We gotta look out for the exploiters, but stop letting the bastards drive *everything* all the time.

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"Cultural socialism" is a convoluted concept. And we don't need nonblack slave descendants in our business in America. Nigerians feel superior to native Black Americans and immigrate to America to take advantage of what native Blacks fought and died for. Post European colonialism has Africans, South Asians and others using whitening creams.

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