These people are not radical and are have nothing to do with the left. They are authoritarian, regressive, racists, who have completely capitulated to the world as it exists. They don’t have the capability or imagination to create new social relations that would create freedom. They only have brow beating and moralism.

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Politics doesn’t seem to be capable of fixing anything. My generation believed that we had ended racism with MLK’s vision and the ending of South African apartheid.

But it’s back with a vengeance, just not in the same form.

Probably the easiest problem for politicians to solve is homelessness, but that’s much worse too.

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Homelessness is a policy decision. The US closed mass mental health facilities and ended long-term institutionalized care. Apparently living homeless in the street is worse than involuntary confinement, so we get the pleasure of homeless encampments and the problems that come with having mentally ill people in urban environments that are literally the worst place for them.

We could fix this tomorrow by returning to 1950's era policies allowing people to be remanded to mental health facilities. No one is interested. They prefer people dying of addiction and despair on the street.

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Another terrifying chapter in the ongoing far left ideological capture of our institutions. It makes me simply want to withdraw from society. I am an old school liberal and I believe I am just as alienated from woke culture as any conservative. I would never live in San Francisco, L.A. or anywhere similar, and I would never sacrifice my children on the pyre of public education. This all makes me want to start a separatist colony somewhere with only common sensers allowed.

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