"If you value foundational aspects of Britain like freedom of speech, equality under the law, and its Judeo-Christian heritage, it makes perfect sense to be mindful of who enters the country to preserve these values"

Common sense is no longer common apparently. Apparently many people prefer to spin their minds like tops and spew out nonsense....instead of slowing their mind down, seeing reality and following a path of common sense.

Europe; kiss yourxass good bye. Nice knowing you.

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Jul 8Liked by Inaya Folarin Iman

Great article. I am really fed up that many on the Left / Progressive are always proclaiming how much they support migrants or ethnic minorities, yet are completely uninterested in our varied perspectives, unless it's in agreement with their own ideological views. We are an exotic caricature who all think and feel the same.

To be fair, it's not all the fault of white Brits who think like this. They are guilt-tripped by many self-appointed 'anti-racist' activists from ethnic minority backgrounds who seem to enjoy being 'a big fish in a small pond'. They use their minority status to claim to speak on behalf of the group - their views and experiences should be taken as gospel and never challenged or questioned. There are book deals and interviews lined up, and it must be enjoyable having organisations and the media eager to listen to whatever you say.

This esteemed position can only be maintained by overt hostility towards those from a similar background who have other views or different political stances. They must be called all kinds of names and insults to ensure they are pushed away from the limelight and the pond stays small for the fish to feel big.

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There is a simmering discontent among people from ethnic minorities who do not want to be treated as homogeneous blocks or who take issue with the white oppressor black victim narrative. They/we are ignored by the progressive ‘anti-racists’: this article deserves a response from the progressives. Contempt for black and brown people who do not conform to the progressive worldview, is a strange kind of anti-racism, not really anti-racism at all.

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" For many migration-sceptical ethnic minorities, it is about being a custodian of Britain’s heritage, values, and institutions, for which they feel a deep affinity. If that’s not being British, I don’t know what is. If only more white Brits felt like that, we’d be in a much better place!"


This was an amazing and succinct read. It elaborates on and shuts down so many of the talking points that the left seem to throw at those of us ethnic minorities who desire a more controlled approach to immigration.

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