Enjoyed the debate very much, although was nonplussed when Trevor Phillips in summing up, closed with ‘this is something we’re going to have to deal with because without immigration we can’t have growth’, leaving no time to debate what was the most contentious comment of the evening.

UK GDP/Capita has stagnated since 2005 when immigration started rising dramatically. GDP itself can be increased simply by running higher deficits & is not a good measure of wealth. Controlling the type of immigration, supply side measures, getting people back to work (especially after lockdown) & reducing welfare dependency are among many counter arguments.

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It doesn’t really matter whether the non-indigenous population integrates well or not. The ethnic Brits are being ethnically cleansed. For comparison, imagine reducing the ethnic Japanese to a minority in their islands and saying it’s fine if the incomers integrate well. We‘d all know that the true Japan had been destroyed. But our rulers are all hell-bent on a genocide of the Brits, approved of by the chattering classes, even though it’s well-known it’s against the will of the majority. This is a crime against humanity.

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